Spray Painting Services – Surface preparation is crucial to the success and longevity of any painting project. Area surfaces are prepared using standard/compliant methods. Hot and cold pressure washing, steam cleaning, sandblasting, chemical environmentally safe paint removal, shot-blasting on concrete floors. All of our jobs are meticulously covered with plastic and masked off to ensure over-spray and paint deposits stay localized and off sensitive equipment. We completely barricade and enclose some areas to contain any dust particles or over-spray from floating outside of the work area.
We specialize in mass scale spray painting using only the best high-performance coatings available to match conditions your project needs.
Because of our 30 years of experience in industrial painting, we have the capability to complete most industrial situations, including; difficult to access interiors and exteriors. Our crews are trained to use a wide range of aerial-platforms and lifts as needed to access almost any area in your facility.